Veronika Sexl and Mathias Müller receive the Science Prizes “Grant Acquisition” of the Vetmeduni Vienna

Veronika Sexl and Mathias Müller receive the Science Prizes “Grant Acquisition” of the Vetmeduni Vienna


Veronika Sexl and Mathias Müller receive the Science Prizes “Grant Acquisition” of the Vetmeduni Vienna

On December 13th 2017, the Rectorate awarded the most successful researchers of the year with the internal science awards of the Vetmeduni Vienna. Veronika Sexl (Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology) and Mathias Müller (Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics) won the prize for “major project” for successfully assuring grants from the European Research Council (ERC) and the FWF Special Research Program, respectively.

Each year, the Rectorate of Vetmeduni Vienna honors scientists for “invention of the year”, “most cited scientist”, “highest third-party funding” and the “major project of the year” with internal science prizes. The prizes were awarded according to the different career stage, in clinical and non-clinical categories, as well as in two age groups (younger than 35 years and older than 35 years). Pictures of the event can be found here.