Hans AR Bluyssen

Hans AR Bluyssen, Department of Human Molecular Genetics, Lab. of High Throughput Technologies, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan Title: The multiple roles of STAT1 in IFN signaling and vascular inflammation: Towards diagnostic potential and therapeutic target. http://dhmg.amu.edu.pl/team-members/ Hans Bluyssen’ group aims at genome-wide and mechanistic understanding of the STAT- and IRF-dependent signal integration between TLR4 and […]

Luka Cicin-Sain

Luka Cicin-Sain, HZI Helmholtz Center for Infection Research, Braunschweig Title: It takes two to tango: the immune system and the CMV https://www.helmholtz-hzi.de/en/research/research-topics/immune-response/immune-aging-and-chronic-infections/luka-cicin-sain/ Luka Cicin-Sain‘s research group studies ubiquitous viruses that are persist for life in most people worldwide. In particular, our focus is on herpesviruses, whose persistence during latent infection shapes the immune system and its functionality.

Michael Sixt

Michael Sixt, Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria Title: How leukocytes navigate through tissues https://ist.ac.at/de/forschung/sixt-gruppe/ Michael Sixt’s laboratory is interested in morphodynamic processes both at the cellular and at the tissue level. They focus on the immune system and try to understand the molecular and mechanical principles underlying leukocyte dynamics during processes such as […]

Hye Kyung Lee

Hye Kyung Lee, Laboratory of Genetics and Physiology (Lothar Hennighausen Lab), US National Institutes of Health (NIH) Title: Understanding super-enhancers through genome editing in mice https://irp.nih.gov/pi/lothar-hennighausen  

Christoph Binder

Christoph Binder, Department of Laboratory Medicine MedUni Vienna, Center for Molecular Medicine (CeMM), Austrian Academy of Sciences Title: Oxidation-specific epitopes act as danger-associated molecular pattern in chronic inflammation https://www.meduniwien.ac.at/hp/phd-mst/research-labs/christoph-j-binder-md-phd/ Christoph Binder is interested in the immune mechanisms of atherosclerosis and the immune recognition of oxidation-specific epitopes, and particularly how these responses can be exploited to […]

Andreas Pichlmair

Andreas Pichlmair, Institute of Virology, TU Munich Title: Organization of intracellular defense mechanisms and disturbance by viruses https://innatelab.virologie.med.tum.de/archives/458; https://www.virologie.med.tum.de/forschung-tum/ag-pichlmair/ Andreas Pichlmair’s group is interested in understanding interactions between pathogenic viruses and their hosts on molecular and functional level, focusing on RNA-protein and protein-protein interactions.  

Wilfried Ellmeier

Wilfried Ellmeier, Division of Immunobiology, Institute of Immunology, MedUni Vienna; Coordinator of newly granted SFB F70 ‘HDACs as regulators of T cell-mediated immunity in health and disease’ (http://www.meduniwien.ac.at/HIT/) Title: Histone deacetylases and the control of CD4+ T cell-mediated immunity http://www.meduniwien.ac.at/immunologie/ellmeier The long-term research interest of Wilfried Ellmeier’s group is to characterize molecular mechanisms that regulate the development […]

Robert Eferl

Robert Eferl, Institute of Cancer Research, MedUni Vienna Title: CDHR5 in intestinal tissue homeostasis and cancer https://krebsforschung.meduniwien.ac.at/forschung-research/research-focuses/cellular-and-molecular-tumor-biology/robert-eferl/ Robert Eferl works in two main topics: 1) identification of cooperative signaling pathways in cancer formation using novel mouse models. 2) functions of STAT transcription factors in inflammatory liver damage and cancer types that are associated with inflammation